Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Dragana Crnjak

Dragana Crnjak
                         For this Final Blog to date, we are going to talk about the use of dots in art. When you have a well thought out image that consists of dots it can capture the imaginations of our mind by having it consciously connect the dots. This is the case for Dragana Crnjak who has made a lot of art like this. She was born in 1977 in former Yugoslavia. During 2002 to 2004, she earned her M.F.A. in Painting and Printmaking from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. She earned many other rewards as time went on. She is now an art professor at Youngstown State University in Ohio. She is very invested in the concepts of fragile but uplifting power of the following; a new start, a feeling of levitation, and the moments of  transition from vanishing to forming. She used certain shapes and forms to create bigger shapes and forms, all which suggests moments of transition for growing and developmental processes. The structures she suggest will sometimes struggle with their own ability to be stable. It's hard to tell if they are being developed or dismantled.

Here's the image and the link.
House by Dragana Crnjak

The painting is called the House.

Charcoal Installation on wall

0" x  0" 

Here's why I chose this image. I chose this image because of its use of charcoal stippling if you can call it such. At first it might look just like a bunch of dots on the wall, but when you look at the dots closely you can actually see a house. The wall's angle also complimented the art piece's uniqueness giving the house some sense of scale and dimension as a result. You can find more of Dragana Crnjak's work at her website: http://www.draganacrnjak.com/index.html. Trust me they are very well thought out from site sensitive drawings to paintings. So see you at the next art blog if there is going to be one hopefully. So Good Bye!

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